dear nicu mama,
welcome to the sisterhood.
Dear NICU mama is a nonprofit that brings hope and connection to NICU mothers through a community where mothers and families feel seen, understood, and supported.

The mission and movement of Dear NICU Mama is made possible because of your generous donations.
“I found DNM while I was fresh in the NICU with my 30 weeker. I spent time going through the entire feed and reading posts and comments from other NICU moms. It helped me feel like I wasn’t alone, and that our journey and story is worth sharing and talking about. It gave me inspiration to share our journey and help others where I could.”
"Dear NICU Mama felt like a life raft when I was drowning… It was the first time I felt there were words to describe the intense, multitude of emotions I was feeling. I felt seen. I clung to this community and this sisterhood in our darkest days and still find comfort in it daily."